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Gaze Technology: 883K Dollar Seed Funding
Startup News

Gaze Technology: 883K Dollar Seed Funding 


aze announced it has raised US$ 830,000 in a seed round from Anchorless Bangladesh, Gaze Technology a US-based venture capital firm, and an existing angel investor.
It was created in 2018 and provides an application programming interface frequently used in documentary evidence for visual recognition technologies such as face recognition, product recognition, and multilingual optical character recognition. The aim of the firm is to bring AI into daily life by enabling others to easily create software powered by Visual Recognition AI.

Gaze Technology: Seed Funding

The gaze is an artificial intelligence startup, based on Singapore and Bangladesh that specializes in building intelligence software for cameras. Their technology makes standard CCTV cameras smarter with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, and more efficient.

Gaze developed technology that can read Bengali and English license plates, identify risks, emergencies (such as fire, battles, etc.), infringements of traffic law (such as driving on the wrong side of the street or illegal parking), in real-time activities (such as vandalism), etc.

They also built a world-class face recognition technology that can help from unauthorized access to secure premises. Gaze ‘s mission is to use the power of AI to build safer and smarter cities.

The startup believes with its technology, online interactions will be safer, sign-up / in will be effortless, finding the product you ‘re searching for will be easier, checking into the workplace will be contactless, and paying for the parking will be smooth.

Gaze currently has a 23-strong team across Canada, Singapore, and Bangladesh.

“Our goal is to bring any developer in under five minutes to ‘Hello World.’ The way we do this is to create the best developer experience and iterate on the input from the group. We strongly believe in the power of open source communities; they have changed the world time and time again for the better,”

Said CEO Shehzad Noor Taus Priyo

“Looking at today’s Bangladesh ‘s amazing technological and technical talent, it seems clear to us that a few excellent companies would be able to mobilize the troops and create an indispensable product utilized by people around the world.We see the promise clearly in Gaze, not only guided by a long-term global vision, but also accompanied by world-class technology that offers its users practical value,”

Rahat Ahmed, Founding Partner and CEO, Anchorless Bangladesh.

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