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Fundraising Solutions for Open Innovation Challenge
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Fundraising Solutions for Open Innovation Challenge 

Join the Open Innovation Challenge, get seed funding, and work with 12 international non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Do you have a new idea or technology that you believe has the potential to revolutionize the way we raise funds and assist the world’s finest non-profit organizations? Reimagining Fundraising wants to hear about novel ways to raise funds for non-profit organizations if you have them. 


Fundraising Solutions for Open Innovation Challenge 


This global innovation challenge is accessible to fundraising professionals, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), startups, businesses, government agencies, universities, and people. Winners will receive seed money and assistance from the Innovation Hub to help them develop their ideas further. They will be able to bring the solution to market with the help of a partner NGO, raising funds and attracting funders in creative ways.


Among the organizations working in Reimagining Fundraising are Amnesty International, Plan International, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Oxfam, SOS Children’s Villages, and Four Paws (WWF). Participants in the Reimagining Fundraising competition are invited to contribute ideas for overcoming the challenges these organizations face in raising donations. 


The Reimagining Fundraising project was started by nonprofits from all over the world who talked about some of the problems they face:


  • The first problem to solve is how to reach a completely new audience. Some of the buzzwords being used are cryptocurrency, Generation Z, sustainability, gaming, philanthropy, and legacy contributors.

Donations are what keep international NGOs going. One of the hardest things to do is to get and keep younger donors, those between 18 and 30 years old (and usually less money to donate). How can we get them to notice us? How can we help with games, e-sports, and crypto? How can we get older donors to leave money or property to causes they care about in their wills or trusts?


  • The second challenge is to find new ways to raise money for NGOs. New fundraising products help us build long-term donor relationships.

Organizations must first collect a one-time payment, then a monthly credit card or bank debit donation from modest donors. Donors often make a single gift in times of disaster, such as the Covid, Ukraine, earthquake, and it may be difficult to convince them to give again or to make monthly payments. New fundraising structures and “products” may solve these challenges.


  • The third challenge is the new tools and media. Increasing the long-term value and relevance of our supporters through our interactions. How can digital and the blockchain be used to find new donors and build strong, long-term relationships with them?


  • The Talent Revolution is the fourth challenge. Bringing in new donors and keeping them on board.

It’s never been easy to find and keep talented money raisers. There are several NGOs that use F2F fundraising, when fundraisers approach potential donors in front of a metro stop, at the mall, or even on their doorsteps to ask for money. Most non-profits rely on agencies to manage their fundraising and operations. However, agencies and NGOs are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit and maintain top-notch face-to-face fundraisers.


  • Shake things up! The fifth challenge is raising funds in new and innovative ways. The non-profit organizations have outlined their difficulties. It’s possible that you have an innovative fundraising proposal that goes above and beyond what they’ve asked for. Please send it in!

Can you assist us in developing a new method of generating new donors through 3-D printing that will change fundraising in the future? If you want to inspire people to donate, why not spray the air with the sweet scent of wildflowers? It is possible to persuade dating app users to donate $1 whenever they meet a new love interest. Submissions are open!


Program Details 


Location: Virtual Project


  • The Marketplace for Services and Products (June 6 – August 8)

Your fundraising solution, product, or technology should be registered regardless of whether you are a start-up, an NGO or an academic institution, an individual, or a fundraising agency.


  • Solution-matching (Rolling matches until September 13)

As part of Reimagining Fundraising, leading non-profits will work with solution providers to solve their problems and test the concepts. ‘Challenge 5′ encourages bold ideas, even if they don’t meet NGOs’ goals. Solution providers will host online “meet-and-greets” with potential NGOs. Entrepreneurs and Non- profits can apply for seed money to advance their projects.


  • Evaluation (September 14 – October 10)

An expert panel of evaluators selected by NGOs will select the ideas with the greatest potential for impact and provide seed financing as well as support from the Innovation Hub.


  • The Festival’s Presentations (October)

The live/hybrid presentations event will include selected submissions and will be attended by fundraising directors and other fundraisers.


  • Centre for Innovation (November)

This year’s winners of the Reimagining Fundraising 2022 competition will be given the opportunity to bring their solution to market, using the seed money they received to help develop and grow their product. The 12 international NGO partners and sponsors, including Twilio and Blackbaud, will provide mentoring to the selected solutions in the Hub. All Reimagining Fundraising participants will have access to the Hub’s in-market testing data.


Application Deadline: Apply before August 17th, 2022, 09:59 pm. 


Eligibility: Do you have a new idea or technology that you believe has the potential to revolutionize the way we raise funds and assist the world’s finest non-profit organizations? Then this is your opportunity. More than a dozen international NGOs have teamed up to crowdsource innovative fundraising ideas and use the power of global social impact. UNICEF, WWF, Doctors Without Borders, Amnesty International, and eight other international charities are among those taking part. This program collaborates with the global startup ecosystem in the areas of cryptocurrency, blockchain, gaming, human resources, and sustainability.


If you want to demonstrate the potential of your ideas, you’ve come to the right place! Join the Global Open Innovation Challenge for Fundraising, contribute, and learn more at 

You can also apply via 

Your development and posture are standard. You can become a startup if you work for one. If you want to become a top IT company, gain access to investors and corporates, and apply through them.


Program Description

Impact builders needed! Reimagining Fundraising offers $20,000 seed money awards, technical assistance from sponsors like Twilio, and a chance to be shown at the best fundraising conference outside Amsterdam in October, IFC2022.


Reimagining Fundraising is an open call for new fundraising solutions that can assist non-profits in raising funds in novel ways and attracting new constituencies. Reimagining Fundraising 2022 seeks solutions to difficulties confronting the 12 main international NGOs who launched the initiative, as well as tens of thousands of additional NGOs worldwide.


This year, each of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) has outlined the challenges they face in raising funds to develop long-term programs to achieve their missions, including helping children, refugees, and others in need, protecting the environment, and defending human rights, to name a few. You may support these non-profit organizations by proposing a solution to one of their problems.


Winners of Reimagining Fundraising 2022 will be able to bring their ideas to market with the help of NGOs like Amnesty International, Care International, Four Paws, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Oxfam, Plan International, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), SOS Children’s Villages International, UNHCR, UNICEF, World Vision International, and World Wildlife Fund (WWF).


In 2020, 14 international NGOs launched Reimagining Fundraising. More than 1,500 companies, start-ups, fundraisers, and non-fundraisers participated. 113 experts nominated by 14 NGOs assessed these submissions. Innovation Manifesto includes finalists, challenge results, and lessons learned.


About the Organisers:

Reimagining Fundraising was started in 2020 when 14 charities from around the world got together to find solutions to their biggest problems. They did this to help not only themselves but also the whole charitable sector.

The year 2020 changed things in ways that no one could have imagined. There were a lot of problems for the many NGOs that depended heavily on fundraising.


Nonprofits and charities around the world face a problem that spans generations: the economy is changing, they are moving to digital-first engagement, and their donors are getting older and younger, which means they need new ways to raise money. 


This is important because fundraising is what makes a nonprofit’s work happen. It lets organizations take action on some of the most important problems of the day, like helping people who have been displaced by war or fighting for real solutions to climate change.


To deal with these problems, 14 of the most important non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the world got together and started Reimagining Fundraising, which is an open call to innovators all over the world to rethink fundraising for the future.



As society changes, the boundaries of what is possible become increasingly fluid. At this precise time, transformation is going underway. Reimagining Fundraising invites ideas from the community as the nonprofit sector and the manner in which we give to it transform. Participation is entirely free.


Are you ready to take the nonprofit sector to a new level of innovation? Submit your idea for a fundraising campaign right away!

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