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10 Minute School:The Largest Online Classroom Of Bangladesh

10 Minute School:The Largest Online Classroom Of Bangladesh 

t present, there are many online educational platforms in Bangladesh like Bohubrihi, Repto, Amar Pathshala, Srijonshil, etc. But among them, 10 Minute School is the most popular one. It is the largest online classroom of Bangladesh.

Robi 10 Minute School (Ten Minute School), also known as 10MS in short, is mainly known as the largest educational platform amidst Bangladeshi people. That’s why, whenever you visit their website, the line “Welcome to the largest classroom of Bangladesh” will surely catch your eyes. 

10-Minute School has been a great virtual school in the country in recent years. It is mostly known for providing online teaching for students of schools and colleges.

But lately, they have started giving importance to skill development contents too. As a result, now anyone can be benefitted from 10-Minute School if they have the interest to learn new things.

History of 10 Minute School

In the month of May 2015, a popular and passionate Bangladeshi entrepreneur named Ayman Sadiq founded 10 Minute School. But in the beginning, he initiated the platform on YouTube through a channel in 2014.

The main target of establishing this startup was to make the education process in Bangladesh easier. Or in short, Ayman just wanted to establish a startup where everything about education would be available, free of any cost.

The plan to bring this revolutionary change in the education system of Bangladesh came to Ayman’s mind in 2013. But he failed in his first two attempts till 2014.

Then finally after reforming some issues and forming a team, Ayman founded the 10- Minute School in 2015. And the 10-minute school team received a very positive response from the audience within only two weeks after the launch.

Before founding, Ayman, as an undergraduate, used to work at Mentor’s, where he met many students. Then he found out that every year a lot of students fail to study properly as they can’t pay the tuition fees.

At that time, he made up his mind that one day he would remove all the barriers coming in ways to be primarily educated in Bangladesh. 

About 10 Minute School

The headquarter of this popular education platform is in Karwan Bazar, Dhaka. 10- Minute School was a self-sponsored platform in the early years.

But later, the Ministry of Bangladesh and the giant telecom operator of Bangladesh, Robi Axiata Ltd. Started sponsoring 10-Minute School. 

The 10 Minutes School gathered more fame when they joined Facebook to reach the students. They started delivering education through live classes on Facebook.

The tagline is “Learn-Practice-Progress” reveals all about their exceptional thoughts about Education. 

According to Ayman Sadiq, the founder of 10 Minute School, everyone has to follow marketing strategies to sustain and survive in this competitive field. He and the team also find it important. From the starting days, they have tried to use content writing to attract students. 

The content writing strategy has resulted in such positive ways that they haven’t needed to run behind advertisements. Now, a team is using Facebook as the main platform.

It helps them to reach the highest number of students. Earlier they used YouTube to upload their educational videos which people used to watch and like most.

Ayman and his team always tried to present education in different ways from others. As a result, they have initiated many exceptional features like smartbooks, learning community on Facebook blogs, etc. for the advancement of students. 

Contents of 10-Minute School

At present, 10 Minute School provides online classes and tutorials for students from class one to twelve. They try to cover the entire academic syllabus of the school and college students online.

Not only that, but it has also now launched courses for skill development and job searching opportunities.

Also, they emphasize on teaching the students too who are willing to appear on the admission tests of various universities throughout the country.

They have kept facilities of reading the contents in both Bengali and English languages which have added to the number of their readers. 

It has some specific educational sectors like 10-minute school JSC, 10-minute school Admission Test, 10-minute school live admission coaching, 10-minute school Math 101, 10-minute school English 101, etc.

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10-minute school SSC and 10-minute school HSC are also important sectors of the 10-minute school. For abroad going students, they offer 10 minute school IELTS, 10-minute school GRE, 10-minute school MAT, etc. All these sectors are set for students to find their preferable sectors easily. 

There are more than 17,440 tutorial videos on the website of 10-Minute School now. Professional and skill development courses are included in this list along with academic courses.

According to the official website, almost 10 lakhs Bangladeshi students get education free of cost from it every day. For checking your potentiality, you can try Quizzes from the it’s website.

Achievements of 10 Minute School

Ayman Sadiq received Queen’s Young Leaders Award in 2018. As a result of his hard work, he also won the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance’s best e-learning award in the same year. 10 Minute School won the “Bangladesh Innovation Award 2018” too.

Apart from these, It has some more prestigious awards in their pocket. Another award is – GIST’s Technology Award of 2016. In the same year, they received the BRAC Manthan Award too. 

YES Award and Swiss Embassy’s “Social Impact Award” also added to 10 Minute School’s acquirements. In 2017, they achieved the GSMA Glomo Award in the “Connected Life Awards” category.

Controversies about 10 Minute School

During the first week of July 2020, the founder of 10 Minute School, Ayman Sadiq received several death threats. After that, he posted a video through his Facebook account.

Already investigators of Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTCC) and Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) have started investigations and monitoring the matter. 

The matter started when a person who was connected with a 10-minute school previously commented on a post about his being agreed to sexual inversion or homosexuality.

After that, some people started making threatening videos about Ayman and spreading them speedily. A small number of people posted their negative comments about Ayman and 10-Minute School on Facebook and other social media platforms after that.

Unfortunately, The negative video that was uploaded got many people’s responses. It got 1300+ comments, 15000+ reactions, and was shared for 9,600 times. 

Ayman Sadiq later uploaded a video on Facebook to let his followers know about his present situation. He said that he got threats of killing and hate speeches from YouTube, Facebook, and many other social platforms.

His ex and present colleagues of 10 Minute School also received threats from people who are instigating people to boycott 10 Minute School. He added that

10 Minute School has no propaganda, secret agenda, or religion. We don’t preach, we don’t want to do anything anti-Islamic and we have no plans to do so.” 

I’m sure you know that learning has no age limit and you can start from anywhere, on any day. And what’s more exciting about 10-minute school is that whether you’re a student of high school or college or a searcher for jobs, 10 Minute School can surely help you!

 Morever, it is one of the best online education platforms in the country. So grab the opportunity to experience learning by staying at home soon. Make sure you visit their website as early as possible.

So, don’t forget to share your experiences about getting benefits from 10 minute school website with us in the comment section! Happy Learning.


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